The answer to this rarely-asked question will make a difference on your sleeping comforts. Greg Morago of LA Times put the question perfectly: “We sleep in our loungewear. We lounge in our sleepwear. So, what's the difference?”
For some, none. After all, aren't these comfy sweats or satiny pyjamas made exclusively for lazying about at home during the weekends? We don't go out in them –at least, before pyjamas became high fashion – so what's the catch? Well, it turns out that there's a big gap between the two, and it's not about the price.

RADICE Loungewear - Discover now
Loungewear are what we call our favourite separates – you may have them in your closet: tees, tank tops, shorts, pants, capris, leggings, sweatshirts and other coordinates that you can mix and match whenever you want. They're your best replacement for the regular duster. Before, they were constructed with a slouchy, laidback appearance, but modern ones are more sophisticated and well-tailored so you can walk out your apartment door without looking too slouchy.
Who wears loungewear?
For one, the home-based creatives. Often, they are portrayed cosily draped in their tracksuits as finish their deskwork in the wee hours of the day. There’s nothing embarrassing wearing an easy-breezy ensemble that keeps you comfy!
And third, you. There’s something grounded and convenient about loungewear that makes it an effortless pick with regards to your house-clothes. It’s effortless, but not too clumsy to make you feel boring. Some loungewear can even go nicely with your other casual clothing!
PJs as casual streetwear - Find your fave design
Loungewear is not a nasty secret you’d hide at the back of your closet. Even celebrities favour wearing it when accomplishing their errands. Take for example Victoria Beckham, whose love for knits and PJs has been photographed by many media outlets. Teen Vogue caught Rita Ora wearing an orange-with-leopard-print tracksuit, Zendaya in her green leather sweats and Rihanna with her black pants. Harper’s Bazaar’s The List jots notes of celebrity loungewear looks that include a good dose of knits, snug ponchos, and of course, PJs.
But PJs, we digress, are sleepwear. We tag them as bedtime specials because their make helps to give you your well-deserved beauty sleeps. No skin-irritating fabrics. No annoying drawstrings. They come with royal notched collars, side pockets and gartered pants to ensure best fit and function. Your sleepwear covers pyjama coordinates, sexy camisoles, whimsical nightgowns and strappy lingerie made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics.
Among the favourite sleepwear materials? The luxurious silk. It drapes your shape perfectly while balancing your body’s temperature, so you can sleep well no matter the weather.
To round it off, loungewear is for home and small errands, sleepwear is for your bedtime slumbers. And guess what: while they’re perfect for indoor use, you can maximise them outdoors, too! Why, pyjamas can be a part of your daywear, whether it’s the luxury silk top or its complimenting trousers! If you’re looking for ways to escape the day in your favourite PJs, just head over our lookbook!
Whether it’s loungewear or sleepwear, indoors or outdoors, find the clothing that makes you feel at ease with yourself and the world. Rediscover the many ways to enjoy your clothes and have fun playing up with styles, trends and staples, whatever the use, whatever the season.